As women we are constantly bombarded by so much noise. Everywhere we go, there are a hundred things and expectations being thrown at us at will. All of these expectations can make it hard for you to know what to zero in on when it comes to pursuing your goals and your dreams. Between the thousands of ideas we have in our heads, multiplied by the thousands of expectations of others, we can become stuck in our lives unable to make forward progress.

If this is you, you are not alone. I, and thousands of other women, are dealing with this too. Idea overload can be a real thing. If you’re like me, you probably have at least a hundred ideas always running through your head. The problem isn’t having ideas, the problem is executing on these ideas. What I have come to find in the pursuit of living a limitless life, is that the hardest part of living, isn’t living. It’s the getting started that’s hard. The problem with having ideas is that we tend to let fear stop us from executing on any of them. We do this in fear that we may pick the wrong idea to invest in or if we pick an idea, somehow it means we won’t be able to do others.

Truth is fear is usually at the core of most people who don’t go after their dreams or purpose. I find that when we make the bold decision to put fear to the side and take a risk on something, we end up getting more than we can imagine. What’s even more impressive is that sometimes, in letting go, and just starting with one thing, it leads you down a path that allows all the other things to fall into place at the right time. Whiles also, taking away things you thought you wanted and needed, to give you something far more priceless.

You might be thinking, great this is me, what do I do? Well, here are three things that can help you get started on this journey.

1. Ask yourself the right question: What is it that you want to do right now in your heart of hearts? Right now, there are at least three things that stand above the rest that you desire to do. Write those three things down and put them in order of 1-3, one being the most desired to do and three being the least. It’s important that you are open and honest with yourself about what you want. Sometimes we don’t even know what we are truly passionate about until we write it down and say it aloud. I find that the women I talk to who do this, end up finding the one idea they really want to do and are able to let go of everything else to pursue the one idea.

2. Pick your number and get started: After you process your top three and make your final decision, it’s important that you don’t just let time pass you by on this. You must get started now. 98% of people aren’t living fulfilled lives because they are afraid to take risks and start something new. Truth is, whatever you’re about to embark on is going to be hard, complicated, and sometimes feels impossible to achieve. That is normal. However, pursuing your dreams or purpose is very rewarding and worth every minute of the sacrifice you make to attain it. It makes you stronger, it helps you grow as an individual, but most of all, it allows you to impact people from all walks of life who need what you are offering. Pursuing your dream may feel impossible and may feel like there are tons of barriers standing in your way, but the ultimate barrier that will stop you is YOU! So don’t stand in your way anymore. Just get started. Figure out the first step you need to take and take it. From there, build on the next steps and eventually you’ll find yourself further away from the starting line and actually running the race.

Imagine if you had a passion, say baking. You’ve always wanted to share your delightful pastries with the world but held back due to doubts. “What if I fail?” “What if no one likes what I make?” But what if you took a small step? Maybe attend a baking course or sell at local markets. With each positive feedback, your confidence could grow, leading you closer to your dream of opening a bakery. It’s about taking that first step, believing in yourself, and having the right mindset.

3. Believe in yourself: It means nothing to you if I believe in you, but you don’t believe in yourself. Living a limitless life doesn’t mean being perfect or having all the answers. It just means you are willing to go on the journey that is your life, to learn to live without letting limitations, barriers, or fear, stand in the way of you accomplishing what God has purposed you on this earth for. Whether you believe in God or not, you have a purpose and your dreams matter. However, 80% of achieving one’s purpose starts with how you think. Your mentality and how you perceive things matter. You must believe in what your purpose is and pursue it in faith, relentlessly and confidently. You must believe that no matter what, you will achieve your goals despite whatever barriers or fears may try to stand in your way. You will go as far as you believe. Getting your mindset aligned with your goals will help you stay on course. It will also help you in remembering your why when things get hard.

Pursuing your purpose or dream starts with knowing what you want to pursue and being brave enough to pursue it. If you start now and keep going, you will find in the next five years you’ve accomplished more than if you just left your dreams in idea mode. It’s okay to take a risk on that one idea because by just starting, and daring yourself to try, you will learn what you don’t know now, and open up the door to so much possibilities that will make your dreams become a reality.

If you are ready to step into the pursuit of your goals I created a worksheet that will help you get started. Click here to get the worksheet.

Be sure to check back here for more insights and tips on pursuing your dream and living a limitless life. Until next time — be blessed!


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