Freedom. Everyone wants it yet only 2% of people truly will have it in a world of over 7 billion people. How is this possible?

As I’ve gotten older, I realize that we as people spend more time trying to please people than we do trying to live a life that’s pleasing. We listen to experts and gurus tell us how to live. We seethe with jealousy over those who have managed to chase their dreams and make them come true. We give in to the fears and the mongering of the poor minded that we never achieve the purpose laid out for us.

To live a limitless life, one must be willing to sacrifice heavy burdens to reach the mountain top of impossible. To defy odds and break barriers one must have a level of belief that transcends reality and comfort. As an artist and a businesswoman, I find that the hardest path on the road to a limitless life where I live out my dreams, is not the dream itself but the belief that I can make the dream come true.

There are doubters everywhere we go. People who will look you in the eyes and tell you your dreams are impossible, and they will never happen. If you’re not careful, you’ll start to embody this belief; making it harder for you to achieve it. I’m no business expert and I’ll never pretend to be but as someone who has spent the last decade chasing the dream of building a business, I can say it is easier to give up on a dream then it is to pursue it.

As I hungrily pursue the limitless life of freedom and full autonomy over my purpose, I realize a part of the journey to a limitless life is the unknown. No one knows if they are going to break a record until they’ve broken it. They may hope to do so and even believe but until they do it, it is just a dream. To stand out amongst the pack means you do things differently but with nothing new under the sun, how does one manage to surprise the world around them that they would elevate them as new?

The answers to life’s complicated question are not found in the open. They are tucked away in the shadows of impossible, uncomfortable, and risky. We all have to take risks at some point to achieve our dreams. We all have to get uncomfortable to grow. Most of all, we all have to believe in the impossible to reach new heights. Which means we have to throw away the limitations our mind puts on us, or society throws at us, to go where we’ve never gone before. Like a child with training wheels if they want to know the freedom of riding a bike, they have to remove the training wheels and risk falling a few times before they get it right.

I won’t pretend that I’ve figured out the code to a limitless life that’s why I’m on this journey. However, what I’ve discovered so far is this, the road to a limitless life starts with a choice. A choice to forsake your own understanding and lean on the truth that God provides through His wisdom, that surrounds us every day. By choosing to let go of having all the answers and instead discovering them as we go, we remove the burden to be right and perfect and instead we allow ourselves to grow.

Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone didn’t become the world record holder in the 400m hurdles overnight. She defied all logic and understanding by pushing herself pass her limits to achieve the impossible. When she was done, she said her body was so tired she couldn’t even walk. How did she do it? Simple really! She made a choice to remove all her limits and pursue the impossible even if it meant to the world, she looked crazy. She dared to defy the odds and ultimately ended up breaking the barrier.

To be a limitless woman one must be willing to go to a level of discomfort that only after completion will you understand why you had to go through it. Therefore, it takes a level of faith to be okay with not having all the answers but leaning on God’s understanding to achieve the limitless life. Freedom is more in the belief than it is in the action. For one to be limitless one must truly believe in their heart they are capable of being limitless in the first place.

That belief resonates loud in our motto, “Limits off…Let it fly!” So let your limits fly and don’t let anything hold you back from living a limitless life.  

So, what does it mean to live a limitless life?

Let’s find out together.


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